⚛️ Uberlab


Uberlab is a collection of how-to guides for Uberspace 7. It is meant as an addition to the Manual, providing hands-on guides on how to get popular (or even niche) software running on our platform.

We hope that these guides not only enable you to install a certain software in your Uberspace, but that you might also learn something from them, giving you a better understanding of our system and Linux in general.

We keep the guides as simple as possible, all articles are tested on a fresh account before publication and will be maintained to ensure compatibility. Keep in mind that we suggest one account per application, therefore these guides assume fresh accounts. Feel free to ask our support for help when you’re stuck somewhere or have any questions.


Everybody is welcome to contribute new guides, changes to existing ones, or even just a small issue to draw our attention to problems or missing guides. You can do so in the GitHub repository or by just clicking on Edit on GitHub on each page.

Thank you and have fun experimenting!